It is with pleasure that I write to express my support of Frank Governali’s candidacy for the Cape Elizabeth Town Council. Particularly in these days of fiscal difficulties, the townspeople of Cape Elizabeth would be very well served by Frank. First, consider his background: 25 years in finance and analysis for Goldman Sachs, resulting in a depth of understanding of fiscal considerations that it would be difficult to match. Add to that Frank’s approachability, and willingness to listen and consider the myriad of views and experiences of Cape Elizabeth taxpayers and families, and his ability to work collaboratively to find sound solutions to problems. Finally, those of us who have watched Frank in action know first-hand that Frank can and will work tirelessly to garner support for and implement solutions.

Frank will work very effectively, in a balanced and inclusive fashion, to find ways to stabilize the town’s budget and control tax increases, through a combination of trimming costs, identifying new revenue sources, and working with our state representatives to ensure that Cape Elizabeth is fairly treated in the allocation of education funding. While working to ensure fiscal responsibility, Frank will keep uppermost in mind the preservation of Cape Elizabeth’s cherished features: its natural beauty, high-quality schools and uncongested character.

Frank’s background, drive, dedication and eminent common sense will make him a terrific addition to our Town Council. I urge you to vote for him on Nov. 3.

Susan E. LoGiudice
Cape Elizabeth

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