Confident that he will continue to serve our community judiciously, collaboratively and passionately, I eagerly support Councilor Frank Governali’s candidacy for Cape Elizabeth Town Council.

At a time when we continue to face fiscal difficulties, Frank will be able to provide invaluable insight as to how to best preserve our community’s excellent school system and rural character, while controlling tax increases. Given his 25-year experience as a financial analyst, he is well positioned to identify ways to cut costs as well to creatively generate revenues.

At a time when politics is divisive in our community, Frank will work tirelessly to listen to the opinions of all stakeholders and to arrive at solutions that are balanced and inclusive.

At a time when there is a need for passionate and committed volunteers in Cape Elizabeth, Frank has jumped in feet first. Not only is he currently serving on the Town Council, but he is also a board member of the Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation and Treasurer of St. Alban’s Vestry.

Frank’s financial acumen, common sense and dedication will continue to serve him well if re-elected to our Town Council. I hope that you will join me in supporting him on Nov. 2.

Susan Spagnola
Cape Elizabeth

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