Falmouth’s school enrollment is flat. Seventy percent of rising property taxes are appropriated to the school budget. More money is being spent on fewer students.

Municipal spending is flat and Nathan Poore should be commended.

Many question Michael Doyle’s tactics as Falmouth’s self-appointed fiscal watchdog. It’s easy to be turned off by him and to tune out his message. However, his findings are continually accurate. Fiscal planning saves money. Why not give Doyle a chance to put his diligence to work on your behalf, whether you like him or not? One may not like the messenger and still appreciate the message. Spending and appropriation can be improved without taking anything away from our great schools. Think about your budget. Have you ever made spending changes based on needs and not wants? Did taking an action create a better result? Elections do matter.

Julie MacDonald, Falmouth
Greg Payeur, Falmouth

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