Cape Elizabeth Democrats need an experienced, level-headed person like MaryAnn Lynch to be their candidate for the Legislature.

MaryAnn’s proven track record and broad experience on the Town Council and with all three branches of Maine government will make her ready immediately to dig into the issues. And her many and substantive private sector jobs – ranging from lifeguard to waitress when she was putting herself through school, to vice president of a multi-million dollar company – have given her an appreciation for the challenges that Maine workers and businesses face.

In short, MaryAnn Lynch has a record of service to offer us when she represents us in Augusta. She will be ready on Day 1. As a Clean Election candidate not taking donations from private individuals, businesses, or PACs, MaryAnn is beholden to no one but Cape citizens.

Please vote for MaryAnn Lynch in House District 30 on June 12.

Anne Swift-Kayatta
Cape Elizabeth

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