Your editorial (“Hear no Evil”) reminds me that when we oversimplify an issue, we overlook common sense.

A complaint about how cafeteria employees handled lunch is not a direct concern of a school committee, whose role is clearly defined by law. A Yarmouth policy addressing complaints outlines an appropriate process.

Whether or not I agree with Cape Elizabeth’s policy, I understand the logic. Without prior notice, there is no way to adequately prepare to address the issue. Therefore, the public comment may bring about more misunderstandings than understandings.

You mention that SAD 75 has a policy that prohibits non-agenda comments and that the superintendent informed you that the policy is not enforced. Despite my offer to answer questions about Yarmouth’s policy, you did not ask this question about Yarmouth. As at our June 9 meeting, the Yarmouth School Committee grants requests to speak on issues not on the agenda.

The town of Yarmouth is blessed with respectful citizens who voice their concerns to appropriate individuals for a quick resolution. In some towns, bad-mannered individuals waste town resources and valuable meeting time to satisfy their own egos rather than for improved public discourse. School boards have the right and responsibility to enact rules to ensure that business can be carried out in an efficient and effective manner.

I invite any citizen of Yarmouth who would like the School Committee to revise any of our policies to let us know. We continually revise policies to meet the needs of our school community.

Judy Paolucci, superintendent of schools

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